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New Weapons / New Maps?

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Add new weapons, one idea I can only think of is the 'campers' sniper rifle, just like stealth pistol and stalker smg it basically does the same effect of zombies not able to see you at a long range. And new map can be Zs_amster dam cuz y not ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), and another 1 can be zs_lv426. These are my ideas for better zs maps and weapons.

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We got rid of the gauss weapon, we need to replace it or add new weapon for tier 5. I do have plans about tier 5 like AA-12 from Killing Floor 1/2 that would be an automatic shotgun but we do have the XM which an automatic shotgun but the real different is that AA-12 would have more clip size and faster reload speed because of it clip but would have less damage than XM.

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