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Blood Splattered Got Banned

(>^-^)># Kirby

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1. Your in-game name: -hg- Blood Splattered

2. Server that you were banned on: CounterSrike Sources Jail Break

3. The Banning admin: Never Trust A Hippie

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:25629827

5. Reason for ban: i killed people because after i gave order to unstack people still stacked, they stacked becasue im 13 and i have a somewhat high voice, they all mocked me then stacked. im sorry for all that i killed but you werent listening to orders. so they thought i freekilled and banned me instead of slay. And i wouldnt have been banned if i hadnt had forgoten to change my name.

Edited by Moto
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The ban was for 4 hours with the reason for freekilling. No report has been submitted, not to mention the ban length of time was too long for free-killing (from what I know of about Jailbreak) and he should be requested to T-list only, depending on the situation.


Either or, the ban was only a temp ban. I'd just wait it out since no one might view this thread early enough to unban you anytime before that.

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tired of people banning instead of requesting a tlist.


unbanned just because of that fact. they need to learn.....


Someone should probably talk to him/her regarding it. Especially the severity and length of the ban time, plus the lack of a report.

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