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Exploit Spot In Vertigo ?

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Hey, today in the morning doing vertigo faceguy (who told us that there was a type of reward if we'd win vertigo) and trazix went to this unreachable spot by zombies, and the defense of mods were that we can get'em if we have bonemesh but yeah there's no boss in vertigo cauze it's an obj map unless we pick a bonus crate (kind of hard to get force boss), now just a few minutes ago foxhound and dylan went to this spot too, in my opinion and from other players we actually think it's an explout cauze you only get there with boomstick jump and not even poision headcrabs poision can reach it.


It's located in the last part of vertigo on the roof



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you have to put down points on a wicked boomstick and an arsenal crate, then make it all the way to that spot without dying and risk falling off the map, then dodge poison headcrab fire and PRAY that there is no bonemesh or legion. So no, I have never thought this was an exploit spot and still dont.

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If youre able to be killed there, is it really an exploit that matters?(if it was even considered an exploit)


Ive died countless times up there and its not easy getting up their either.

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