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I Will Now Talk About Perp And The Many Things That Relate To It For The Next Few Paragraphs


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(yes that was a parody on TotalBiscuit, and yes you can laugh now)


Hi one and all, and welcome to my unusually serious tone! (Yes I can be serious, I don't just meme 24/7) So, lets have a chat about PERP. Come, sit down, I've got coffee and cheap wine I bought from Sainsburys, just for you... ;)


What is happening with PERP?


A lot will be happening with PERP. At least that is the hope.


No REALLY. What IS happening with PERP?


Ask and you shall receive!


So for the last few months, PERP has been in limbo with not a lot of work done to the new PERP due to a number of reasons. Mainly because finding a dev that would work to how we (i.e you the community and us as leadership) would expect them to work would have been close to impossible and on top of which it would've most likely cost more than the funds we raised. We wouldn't have dared asked for another donation (cause that would've just been a huge dick move) so we are going to be discussing the money quite a bit in this post.


So if you're not hiring an outside developer, what will happen?


Well the money will still be there for the servers development and prosperity, we made a guarantee it will only be used to help PERP as much as it possibly could, and I believe holding off and using the coding power that we can assemble in-house within HG would be the best way forward (hence why I said "For any budding coders in the audience, brush up on LUA!").


To that end, we are excited to announce that we plan to make PERP development a community driven development plan, where coders who want to help us can do so. Now I know what you're thinking in that we'll just let any John Doe come in and mess with our code. That will not happen on our watch, especially my own, hence why people will have to go through trial periods, interviews etc and we'll make sure that our code is in safe hands. The money we hope will be able to afford us better servers, more servers and addons to improve our Quality of Life within PERP, and not only that, to proactively prevent the stagnant of development period that happened before.


I know nothing of LUA! I want to help out!


Well of course, we are always looking for people who are passionate about PERP and would love to help, even if they have no coding experience. We have something planned for potential testers soon :)


for k, v in pairs (poster.GetAll()) do v:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK, "I can code! What can I do?") end


Well, that's where this next part comes in!


If you are interested in helping us code for PERP, you must be able to write advanced LUA functions OR have a willing to learn advanced LUA functions. In any case you must have the drive that we would require from you to complete this large scale project. If you feel you fit the criteria, please PM myself with examples of your work and I will get back to you on interview dates that will be conducted by us here in the GMOD crew.


Will we ever move to Rockford?


Short answer is yes, we are still moving to Rockford as our preferred map of choice. When it will happen depends on if we choose to do it now, or if we choose to do it once the new PERP has been finalized.


Personally, I would do it now as Evocity is getting bloody annoying. But if you have differing opinions, let us know!


How will updates be rolled out?


The updates are going to be incrementally pushed out when certain aspects are ready to be deployed. Our end result will be the new gamemode but in between now and then, the transition period will be where most of our work takes place.


When will the wipe happen?


There will be a seperate post on this :)




Well, seeing as you've drunk all of the wine, it is time for us to depart from our humble abode. It has been a nice chat, and if you have any further questions, do reply! As always, I would like to thank you for generously donating money to help our cause! I have not forgotten your generosity and you will finally have your day. I promise.


- SKay, and the rest of the GMOD team.

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tl;dr - perp is going somewhere... eventually...soonish...maybe...once we find coders...money... the end


actual tl;dr : perp is getting wipe soon, coders incoming. perp will get incremental updates and will be moving to rockford.

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