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unbanned Unban Request


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I was banned yesterday for apparently wallhacking. The demo along with the youtube video was posted to the HG ban center. It is however evident that the kill in question is clearly legitimate as seen by the video and the screenshot posted from the demo in the ban thread.


I have played on the HG servers for well over 8 years with time spread apart 2 accounts. I have also been a member of the forums since 2009 and have played against some fairly good players and admins on the server who I'm sure will be willing to vouch for my legitimacy. My stats on other servers are roughly the same and while I'm not an extremely good player, I am definitely not towards the bottom end of the spectrum.


I hope with all the points above considered, an admin can review the demo, videos and screenshots posted and take appropriate action. Thanks


Ban Link: http://hellsgamers.c...208275-criggles

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