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unbanned Chiken's Actual Unban Request

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Me and Azona have agreed that the bad blood between us was stupid and everything was cleared up about a week and a half ago. I did this not to be unbanned but if you do truly know me I hate holding grudges or any sort of hate towards someone. I'm glad I could just say that i was sorry for my bad mouthing and he said it was really nothing. My bad language, and poor citizenship towards Azona was unneeded and unwanted. Seeing all the messages of people saying they miss me on the server makes me really want to join back. This community is hands down the best Ive seen in all my 5000+ hours of online gaming and I would be honored to be accepted back in.



(My other unban req had no real meaning to it but this one really gets what I wanted to say off my chest)

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Actually rebanned, explain yourself in this picture http://imgur.com/a/Z1Ov8


This as well please... http://prnt.sc/cel5u7

Because me and scrubs have this everlasting "flame war" where we make stupid insults to each other like she calls me non whole grain and vise versa none of it is intended to be taken seriously or bring anymore then another stupid insult.

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