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Unban Skully


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1. Your in-game name: Skully

2. Server that you were banned on: Jailbrake 1

3. The Banning admin: I really dont know

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:17682108

5. Reason for ban: 3 weeks ago I was playing the HG jailbreak server and some guy messaged me on steam which i accidentally clicked on the steam and for some reason my gun shot a player idk if the player died or not but unfortunately i got perm banned. For the player i shot i apologize of course and this wont happen again. I will understand if i wont get unbanned.

Edited by skully
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1. Your in-game name: Skully

2. Server that you were banned on: Jailbrake 1

3. The Banning admin: I really dont know

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:17682108

5. Reason for ban: 3 weeks ago I was playing the HG jailbreak server and some guy messaged me on steam which i accidentally clicked on the steam and for some reason my gun shot a player idk if the player died or not but unfortunately i got perm banned. For the player i shot i apologize of course and this wont happen again. I will understand if i wont get unbanned.


Now that sir was a well thought out excuse......

Perm bans don't happen because of one accidental freekill.


3 weeks after an accidental freekill you post a thread?


Liars get caught, and are not given second chances...

Care to revise?

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Now that sir was a well thought out excuse......

Perm bans don't happen because of one accidental freekill.


3 weeks after an accidental freekill you post a thread?


Liars get caught, and are not given second chances...

Care to revise?


No credit for creativity?

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racist? i need proof that i was "racist" besides it saying that i was which i was never racist my whole life 3 weeks its beacuse i didnt have a computer untill today and like i said before i understand if i dont get unbaned, but rasict???? all i remember was me shooting a guy thats why i thought i got banned. Belive me or not i dont really care im just defending myself.


P.S. if i was racist wheres the proof of me saying racist stuff? Maybe its admin abuse? reporting to the website false details? idk how it works but ofcourse its your decision if i should be banned or not. and sorry for me saying all this i dont mean to be a jackass but im just speaking the truth.

Edited by skully
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Usually if someone is truthful and is being sincere about not commiting such an offense on our server(s) again, a second chance is possible.


You are being neither, all I need to say. Connect the dots, chap.

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The moral of this is that it's okie that you might make a mistake or say the wrong stuff, but what matter is how would you handle your mistake and how much you wanna correct it. You've shown no remorse of what you did wrong, instead came here and lie (you suck at lying btw).


Its called defending yourself i know for a fact i have done nothing wrong and accusing me what racism in a game based on what 1 guy wrote is BS. Just beacuse it says racism your automatically going to believe him/her? I really dont care believe me or not beacuse i know im telling the truth and im not going to reply to anymore posts do as you will ban or unban up to you Good bye and good night



- Skully

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Maybe we could make it a little clearer for you since apparently it is beyond you to click the link...









wth? that defiantly not me saying that i sware and when i got banned i was by T Jail so that picture has to be planned or fake cuz i dont believe it.

I want more proof since anyone can just change their name to skully and do that.

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