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Updated Rules Suggestion.

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In this topic I will be providing a rewritten set of rules for the server. Some are changed out of my logical reasoning, some are changed out of the sake of being clear and not nitpickable, or to prevent arguments, or to generally clear things up. If you disagree with anything for any reason Id like for you to quote the specific rule in discussion, and tell me what you think it should be; along with your reasoning. (Please read the rules carefully, and compare before doing any of this.) No bashing or arguments, just simple discussion. The main goal here is to accomplish what I have mentioned, along with prevent as much rdm and confusion that can cause rdms as possible.


*Add* General HG rules:

1. No mic, or chat spam.

2. No harassment or degrading of other players.

3. No use of racial or derogatory terms.

*Side Note* You could add the nitpicking rule here as the 4th rule, as I do think it cold be a better fit, as it is a general HG rule.



1. ""

2. ""

3. ""


General Rules of TTT:

1. ""

2. ""

3. ""

4. ""

5. ""

6. ""

7. ""

8. ""

9. ""

11. Remove.

12. *Add* If you pick up a traitorous weapon, you have 3 seconds to drop it. If seen with one, you can be told to drop it. If you refuse you are considered a traitor, and should be treated as such.

13. *Add* No nitpicking ANY rules.


Inno/D rules:

1. ""

2. ""

3. ""

4. ""

5. ""


T rules:

1. ""

2. ""


What is RDM?

No changes needed.


What is a T act?

1. Remove (serves no purpose as that is not kill-able, or slay-able; nore should it be.)

2. Remove (As words should not be a justified reason for anything.) -With the exception of blatantly saying you are a T-

3. ""

4. ""

5. "" (Any firing of a weapon that isn't self defense or part of your role should just be slay-able.) (With the exception of breaking windows to go through.) If you are not doing any of those, you have no reason to be firing a weapon and should be treated as a T.


What is a suspicious Act?

1. ""

2. ""

3. ""

4. ""

5. Should be re-worded to say "Ignoring anybody you see committing a traitorous act." (To be more clear to the slower or ignorant people.)

6. ""

7. ""

8. ""

9. ""

10. ""


Everything beyond this point is fine.

Edited by Mr. Trippy420's
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I am aware of that. That doesn't mean everything that was changed was changed for the better, or doesn't need to be changed again though. I honestly feel it has got worse since those updated rules, and that disappoints me. I also feel this is a much better place to discuss this as anyone can post their thoughts at anytime, that way it can be discussed easier and then finalized more in the next mod meeting. Because the fact it was part of a 5hr meeting, and still needs to be rewritten says a lot to me. Then again that is just my opinion, however I know others share that opinion.

Edited by Mr. Trippy420's
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Some of the points you bring up about nitpicking I do agree with. I feel like shooting randomly (t-baiting) needs to be changed back to slay, but never back to kos. This causes Rdm trains and in the long run just leads to more confusion for mods/admin. As someone who showed up to the meeting along with alot of regular players we did our best to clean up confusion, of course there obviously are things that we missed/could have cleaned up better, but I feel like there will always be nitpickers. You can't blame the 5 hour meeting for being unsuccessful because trolls want to nit-pick and argue with mods/admins.

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Y u steam message me this? I am of no importance for the matter.

Everyone's opinion matters. Regular players and admins deserve as much say on it as anybody else, as long as their points are valid.

Some of the points you bring up about nitpicking I do agree with. I feel like shooting randomly (t-baiting) needs to be changed back to slay, but never back to kos. This causes Rdm trains and in the long run just leads to more confusion for mods/admin. As someone who showed up to the meeting along with alot of regular players we did our best to clean up confusion, of course there obviously are things that we missed/could have cleaned up better, but I feel like there will always be nitpickers. You can't blame the 5 hour meeting for being unsuccessful because trolls want to nit-pick and argue with mods/admins.

I can agreee to that. Because I wouldnt want anybody who is playing their role correctly, getting banned. So that would be a better option now that I think about it. Regardless like you mentioned, this whole being allowed to randomly shoot needs to stop. It causes too many problems, and impedes gameplay in several ways. & I dont blame anything on the meeting, nore can I. I brought that up bc it was a 5hr meeting, and it still needs to be worked on. I wold expect more after such a long meeting, regardless who's end its on. So I feel this is a better way of discussing it, compared to in a meeting when there is other things to be discussed, and to where points can be argued in the correct way. Also prevents on-the-spot rshed decisions, gives us time to perhaps test it before making anything final. Edited by Mr. Trippy420's
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