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An Apology To All Fellow Zs Players.


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Some of you do know and some don't. A week from ago i spawned myself points. I never had the intention to be


malicious but to be the "fun" person for the server. I offered the entire server with the offer of giving them double the


value of points that they had given to me. With that being in mind it created an influx to people for all sorts for those that


had earned their points rightfully. I never meant to do wrong or create drama. I just wanted to be the person everyone


liked. Probably sounds like that kind of scenario where the rich kid paid all the people to be friends with him. I won't state


names but for those i argued and fought with I'm more sorry that these things went out in a particular way. I would like


for people to stay badgering the people that tried to fix things such as Kigen and other's in leadership positions. They


only wanted to try to make things right and balanced for a server they had helped developed. The leading


cause of the point influx was due to this post: http://hellsgamers.c...__st__20 which is now invalid due to


me recovering the points to avoid people to fuss about the point taxation system that was set for all players. I didn't wish


for everyone to be affected and I'm greatly sorry.

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Hey, look.


The reason I changed my division to CS:GO is because of you annoyance because back when around sept, you muted me because of not calming down for whole round (You also asked me an question which I said yes and still get muted), didn't even care to unmute me. Which I found it rude since you didn't unmute me and the staff had to make an choice to unmute me which I don't understand why but with this, I would say that the ZS server might go ahead and cry because of lost of the points because of this accident.


Sure, I still want you to be dL for Garry's Mod, it just you need to change your behavior because of recent events/drama. I honestly don't care about if there going to be any demoting going on. I don't even think that this division might need an whole new staff, which I don't want to see.

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