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Zombie Hall?


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This suggestion is in direct response to the Taxation announcement (http://hellsgamers.c...zs-tax-of-2016/) and the High Point forum (http://hellsgamers.c...ns/#entry709228)


A lot of people are in pure rejection of the taxation because other than to lower the overall amount of points the general player base has, it has no use. In real life we're taxed in all of our purchases and that money is spent towards schools, roads, hospitals, and other community related things (at least in theory). In ZS all that would happen is veteran players who worked very hard to obtain all their points will lose just..... because they had to. While the amount of points players are currently carrying is an "issue" (really there ISN'T a need to have over 100k points but also does no harm), simply taking away points just for the sake of doing so isn't the right thing to do and causes major player backlash, especially from those who were really attached to those points.


Now the taxation isn't a completely bad idea. There just has to be a reason for it. Which is where this suggestion comes in : Zombie Hall (think of it as a community town hall)


(Credit to AzoNa for the idea)

  On 9/18/2016 at 4:59 PM, AzoNa said:

Make it so people can buy events with points.


Like 5 000 points to start a purge next map.

Player affording this, would start a vote to know if players want to play a purge next map.

If it passes then server gets purged !


Could work with shade event, nightmare event, etc..

The general idea is that our "taxed" points will go towards a server sided point holder called the Zombie Hall (ZH), rather than disappearing forever into the dark abyss. These points (much like AzoNa suggested) will be spent on special game events and other cool little features. Such as the ability to votemap or start a purge or perhaps a nightmare event. These special treats will be funded using our taxed points so that way we feel like we're contributing towards something rather than having the feeling of being ripped off. The Hall would receive funds slowly but surely as players play the game like they usually do and if someone is generous, they could simply donate points directly to the hall to speed up funding towards a particular event they may want to do. This will give the general playerbase a little more freedom of the special gamemodes they may want without having to wait months for it. Obviously restrictions would need to be in place to prevent abuse. For example a 10 round cd anytime the votemap system is used so we don't run into a vertigo only server and also have to ensure any actions involving the hall passes through a voting system that maybe only HG members can trigger.


I had a few specific details in mind but I would first like to know if this would be considered or even possible. If not sorry for the shitpost. Hope we better ZS in anyway possible .^^

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I like this idea as a point sink for points and a source of enjoyment for the entire server.


However, some players might still hoard their points because these buyable mini events don't really benefit them on a personal level.


With that being said, I think it's pretty cool to implement a system whereby players can open up a menu to purchase premade events such as back to school, purge, hidden etc. These events would be probably cost quite a fair bit to start a vote in order to prevent them from being overplayed(a cooldown might come in handy like you mentioned).


I would love to hear all your ideas in teamspeak, forums, steam, whatever :D

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I believe you are under the impression that the "tax" was because everyone had too many points. In which case you are wrong.

It was a fine as a result of http://hellsgamers.c...-no-silence-atb

The reason it was reversed is because there was a better way to handle that report than just fine the entire community because of what one man did.


Source: http://hellsgamers.c..._20#entry709174


On a side note I do like the suggestion. I would actually love to see titles given out to the people who donate the most. "Mayor, Council Member, Senator, ect."

Edited by Adam Cole
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  On 9/19/2016 at 6:01 AM, Adam Cole said:

I believe you are under the impression that the "tax" was because everyone had too many points. In which case you are wrong.


It's true I did. However I actually didn't mind the idea of taxation. A bit too high (50% is rubbish), what I did mind was that nothing was going to be done with the points it took away. Even if the Tax comes and goes, I wouldn't mind seeing some of the points spent on guns still go towards the town hall (like 10% of the cost. Similar to how the owner of the crate obtains points). It'd also promote people to actually BUY guns to SHOOT with ;)

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While I don't quite like my points being taken away because of a few sour apples, I don't particularly mind all that much. Yes, things could definitely have been handled differently and better if the some people had the nice thought to exert some work into correcting the issues, but let's face it: players have far too many points for their own good.


You still have 50% of your points. What does that mean?


Let's put it this way:


Player 1 has 100k from the tax. Player 2 has 25k from the tax. On relative terms, even though player 1 has lost far more than player 2, they still have a far greater amount of points. Thus, the hurt comes from middle class zs players, NOT the rich 1%. Sure, you've lost 300k, but you don't give a shit because you've got another 300k.


You've worked for this and that yadadadadadadadada nobody cares. What on Earth were you going to spend with those points? A "grim" party? And then pointsave until profit? For what. Exactly, nothing, so go outside and play some baseball. Those points are worthless. As another post put in excellently, a player with 50k will still be able to buy the same weapons as a player with 5k. Assuming they have the same IQ, I'd gather that the profit trend would be the exact same. Which is to say the 5k player and 50k player gain the same amount of profit.


What needs to happen is a way to make points valuable again. Not in the form of another mandatory bs tax, but in the form of perks/benefits/whatever that people want (and should) to spend their points to obtain.

Edited by TheAtrocity
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