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Unban Please!!!


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& Kill Joy &


Do not know

STEAM_0:0:24565571, andrewtle

I was afk and i have a brother, he came in and didnt know what to do so he started killing people.


Well it appears you know about these forums.

We have stated several times that all responsibility goes to the account and not the player.


How long have you been playing our server(s)?

Maybe you can give us more info, but it appears that someone thought you (he) were being an abusive player.

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Heres the ban you received, Your responsible for your own account.



That sums it up.


Sorry but no one around here's going to unban you after lamp perma's you. Learn to watch your account.



You're proably going to have to get a new account to play on HellsGamers.



Good luck. --Slaz.

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That sums it up.


Sorry but no one around here's going to unban you after lamp perma's you. Learn to watch your account.



You're proably going to have to get a new account to play on HellsGamers.



Good luck. --Slaz.


I wouldn't say that.

If it is indeed true, and he can act mature and responsible...there is no reason not to.


Lamp isn't a nazi. ;)

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Seems to be a quiet often excuse to me. My ---- Got on and killed everyone! I'm really Sorry!


It might be true. I'm not sure.. but if you are lying. You should just say you did. Again it's a quiet common excuse. I apologize if I am wrong.


GL With UnBanned - Sia

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