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unbanned Mooses Ts Unban


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This isn't just about the trolling in the PUGMOD channel and the gross things you said... there was a buildup. Please realize that I gave you many chances and what you said was too much. Additionally in regards to buildup, near the end of the 10man you went off about HG not being worth donating too and you had a lot of complaints that were poorly addressed. Would you like to elaborate on that? We haven't gone over that so I want to know what you think about what you said before we go in any direction with this unban. Realize that if you have complaints that are so negative they should be taken to a leadership member in a sort of official manner. Ultimately, it is a question of your status in HG.

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I am sorry about the disrespect on HG the reason I say that it isn't worth spending money on is the reason that I am broke as a joke not as disrespect I have member for a reason I like the server but I am sorry about what I said I know it is disrespectful and I promise I wont say anything dumb like that again

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