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Critical Ops


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so theres this shit version of csgo on mobile that revolutionized esl to play on mobile now.


what this game is , is basicly like csgo but less recoil , rushing b , fucking jumping around corners and still lose no recoil. The only good thing in the game is : good skins (my opinion) , more people ACCTUALY trying (jk), good maps? (My opinion), and updates every week.


i would recommend this game for mobile if ur into csgo a lot , its better than any csgo rip off on android and IOS (iphone)


theres a lot of things to see in this game and ill recommend this to any csgo/fps gamer (mobile) gamer

Edited by dank_narre
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The game is good, has a ton of potential. It is a CSGO rip-off, but a good one in fact. A lot of developer support, patches are very frequent and also live streams from the devs to showcase what's new.

Skins are present in the game and can only be obtained by opening cases. To open a case, you need to work your ass off, but it pays off, you can get a pretty one easily.

Also, this game is available on PC aswell, just go on Facebook and play it there :) much better than the Android version imo

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