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Unban Please


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Game name is Blackrock.

I play on your 24/7 surf server daily.

Jumped on your Dust2 server tonight and got banned. Didnt see or hear any warning, and not sure who banned me honestly. Wasnt talking on the mic at all or typing at all.

I assume it was for the gross spray I was using. Sorry if it offended and it wont happen again.




Hope to be able to play on your servers again. :rock:

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It was me. I did warn you the first time I saw the spray. And clearly no one liked it. It was gross. I removed the spray and did a slap of 5 dmg + text warning. I then proceeded to ask you via admin say to not do it again. You never replied.


You did do it again later. I heard another player talk about it. Then I banned you for 60 min after removing the spray.


Take this time to change it to something less graphic than what you had it set to. You are welcome back once the ban is expired.

Edited by Moto
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