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"[HeLLsGamers] Bone" STEAM_0:0:26431829


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NAME: "[HeLLsGamers] Bone"

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:26431829


NOTES: He's raging how he can't keep his score positive so constantly trying to swap players to stack the teams onto his side, and so he doesn't get killed. Also always camping on CT, ignoring 2:00 camping rules, and can't be slain, etc.


PROOF: (as attached)


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At this time the teams were quite stacked in "skill" level and i said to black i'm going to switch you for someone who wanted to go T, Black as you can see made no complaint what so ever, if he did i would not have switched him.


You continusly raged on me in all talk which goes against the rules "Do not admin war in all talk" and you were asked by me to speak in admin all, You then contiuned to call me dumb for no reason, when i said i told you that guy was hacking, then you replied with the sentance "You said he had No-Recoil, this shows how dumb you are, you also said i was hacking once" which i didn't, you were there when i was sceptic about one of the players who later i unbanned, after reviewing it with Moto.


And for those who slay i abuse slayed, Nope read the chat he was killed by an awp then switched, i never get to slay him, i understand calling him a piece of crap i shouldn't have done but black eyes doesn't take me serious for most of the things i say so he most likely toke it as a joke, as i know he's a preety good shot, as i admitted to him earlier.


EDIT: I also did not breach any camping rules i simply went back because you all were rushing at me, and it's 1:30 btw, if i needed a slay Deagle was in there and could of quite easily slain me.

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At this time the teams were quite stacked in "skill" level and i said to black i'm going to switch you for someone who wanted to go T, Black as you can see made no complaint what so ever, if he did i would not have switched him.


You continusly raged on me in all talk which goes against the rules "Do not admin war in all talk" and you were asked by me to speak in admin all, You then contiuned to call me dumb for no reason, when i said i told you that guy was hacking, then you replied with the sentance "You said he had No-Recoil, this shows how dumb you are, you also said i was hacking once" which i didn't, you were there when i was sceptic about one of the players who later i unbanned, after reviewing it with Moto.


Just going to respond and stop, to prevent an argument thread. BlackEyes didn't want to get switched, which he displayed in Team Chat, which was why I cancelled the command to have him swapped over the first time.


I did not "constantly" rage on you in all talk, especially when it was that one thing you quoted that I said in all talk. You were the one who kept using Admin All Talk saying "Stfu", blah blah blah.


And in the case where you suspected me hacking, Headshot was there as well kept asking me whether I wanted to get banned or not, and called me a pussy when I constantly ignored his remarks.


k bye. Leaving this thread to others.


EDIT: It's not an one-time occasion. And if I recall, MOTD says 2:00 (which I cannot confirm atm because MOTD is showing up as blank for me), but in terms of Deag1e, he barely does anything on the server to reveal that he's an admin.

Edited by G.K.M.Y
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When i told you to stfu, it was in admin chat, Had you have told me black does not want to be switched, i would of not done it and asked if anyone else did, because at that point the teams were to unfair.


To do with the headshot thing, he was speaking to me about banning you and i replied "I'm not bothered do what you want"

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I see no abuse in the SS, all I see is Bone having a sense of humor, and GKMY not so much. He says he "will slay" but it doesnt say he does and from reading the thread;i dont believe he did.


"he barely does anything on the server to reveal that he's an admin" is exactly how an admin should be. Admins are not supossed to be looked upon as some God of CSS, they should be seen as common players who only step in to enforce the MOTD by slaying/kicking/banning players.


And finally, this seems more like a personal probelm between the two of you. I would have to say that in the future, try to talk this out in steam chat.

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You are using your admin say command too much.

We have already discussed not using admin say/admin chat, unless they are necessary.


As for the screenshot, it doesn't show stacked teams or whatnot.

Keep your drama at your homes guys.


Admins are not exempt from the same rules players have.

But without a demo, or proof of that, we cannot say it happened.


.......Refresh yourself with the server rules and admin rules. (everyone)

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