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Ttt Leaderboard(Scoreboard) Aka "when U Press Tab" Glitch


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Ok so theres a glitch in the leaderboard, whenever theres a lot of players in the ttt server the leaderboard does not show EVERY players. So even after IDing all the dead bodies and knowing there is only two ppl alive, when I try to check the leaderboard to start the "process of elimination" some of the players are not shown and the players(not shown in the leaderboard) happens to be the one thats alive with me. Figuring that, if his name is not shown in the leaderboard, there might be some bodies left to be IDed so i cant follow the process of elimination. This is so confusing!!!!!!

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You can find the number of alive players on the scoreboard by looking at the thing on the right-middle part of the scoreboard that says "Counter-Terrorists" and "Terrorists." Below CT and Above T it says "Players Alive: #/#" Example - https://embed.gyazo.com/db4ff45b13266fe8bfa5beea50061ca3.png


You can see how many players are alive but you cannot see who is alive. Example: I know that there are 2 people alive (since the scoreboard says Players Alive: 2/33) but since Archer has 90 karma he's on the bottom part of the scoreboard and I wouldn't be able to know that it's him who's alive. Make sense?

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