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I am not sure if this is interesting or not. I came up with this idea when I died and was spectating the Detective. The detective tazed a person and he turned out to be a traitor and before he could even whip out his primary weapon and call a KOS, the traitor killed him and people around them didnt even know what happened. What if, if a detective tazed someone successfully then the color of the person changes to green or red depending on the role so that the detective dont have to say "this guy is inno" or "Kos this guy". But if the traitor gets tazed and before the detec calls a kos and dies, he should appear "red" only for a few second so tht he can get a chance safe. Ps the color of the player should also be changed if the detective scans a dead body, but if its an rdm the player should turn green coz he still an inno, although he'll be slayed next round and in the chat it should say "Rdmed" so that theres no confusion. I hope I explained it well.

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