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P2000 Hso Balance Suggestion


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So this is a super small and nitpicky complaint about the CSGO JB server, but my favorite LR is the headshot only P2000 variant. Something about my silenced USP connecting with a headshot tickles me just right...


Anyways, if I challenge someone who was lead or led a previous round (and survived) they maintain their head armor from their position of authority. This requires me to get 2 headshots to their 1 which is a pretty severe disadvantage. Even more importantly, it deprives me of the massive headshot bloodspurt/gush sound and the previously mentioned tickles. Dinks just don't do it for me...


This problem is made even worse for the glock and shotgun variants making them practically impossible in these circumstances.


I suggest the LR, which already removes excess health from the CT, remove the head armor for a more fair and balanced fight.



Edited by bobbythed
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