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Unban request Scatman


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1. Your in-game name: Scatman

2. Server that you were banned on: Crackhouse deathmatch

3. The Banning admin: Beast702

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:6344715

5. Reason for ban: Racism


I started playing on the crackhouse server a few weeks ago and put it in favorites because I love crackhouse and it seemed like a good heavily moderated server which is what I tend to look for due to the hacking that goes on in CSS. I got angry at the four people camping the spawn and lost my temper resulting in me using racism. Instead, I should of asked people to switch or asked the admin to swap people. In case you're wondering it's the epithet that starts with an N. This was uncalled for and I understand why the result happened.


I apologize for this and did not mean to offend anyone. I'm not racist I have no problem with any individuals ethnicity but I use the term when frustrated it's a bad habit I need to lose. I'm sorry and would appreciate being unbanned if you decide to give me another chance. Thanks for your time.

Edited by Seboard
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I saw you play on our server a couple times & you are a nice guy.


  • Follow the template
  • Say sorry
  • Stay nice and mature about the situation


3 Things that help you.


Make sure you dont use that word anymore & follow the rules.


For any questions you can ask it on the forums, private message a staff or council or Type MOTD in game.



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