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What an awesome night for omegling!! How many times does he need to ask for my MSN (to hack my webcam undoubtedly)?


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!


You: hi


Stranger: hi


Stranger: m/f?


You: female


You: you?


Stranger: male


Stranger: ^^


Stranger: from?


You: The USA


You: yourself


Stranger: nice


Stranger: ^^


Stranger: Indonesia


Stranger: ^^


Stranger: u have msn?


You: Do you like Battlestar Galactica?


Stranger: Little


Stranger: u like that?


You: Which Cylon is hottest?


Stranger: i don't know


Stranger: hey u have msn/


Stranger: we can chat on msn


You: This works for chatting as well...


Stranger: yeah but i can chat with u every u online


Stranger: Maybe we can chat on msn


You: I think you're a creeper.


Stranger: what's your msn email?


You: Am I right?


Stranger: No


Stranger: I just want be your friend


You: That good sir, is the definition of an online creeper.


You: You'll have to find someone else to masturbate to.


Stranger: No


You: Sorry....I'm fairly attractive too.


Stranger: So u dob't want be my friend?


You: Not really. And you're from the Philippines.


You: I need a man with money.


Stranger: i have money


Stranger: i will give u money


Stranger: ^^


Stranger: Give me your msn email please


You: How old are you?


Stranger: 17


Stranger: u?


You: 13


Stranger: okhey


Stranger: can u give me your msn email?


Stranger: please


You: You know, sex with a minor is illegal in the United States?


You: Where I happen to be from?


You: Where I am currently residing?


Stranger: cmon i just want add your msn


You: LOL




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A little tooooooooo creepy at the beginning w/ clark, matt g etc lol...


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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: my name is clark

You: What kind of rationale discussion would you like to have today?

You: Don't do shit like that

Stranger: why

You: Do you think HG is corrupt?

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: are ya alittle horny

You: How are you so creative with the packaging labels for people's t-shirts?

Stranger: i sperm on each one

Stranger: feels good man

You: I'm telling Richie

Stranger: i killed richie

Stranger: my name is matt g.

You: G for _____

Stranger: gay

Stranger: dont make fun of my

Stranger: name

Stranger: fag

You: Simmer down

Stranger: clark was a whore

You: Thought your name was clark? lolucorrupt?

Stranger: prositute for name brand clothing

You: Will you ddos us if Lyds permabans you?

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: ebaums world sucks

Stranger: ddos your ass


ROFL this is epic

I hope he doesn't cum on all of are shirts

Edited by 3D
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Stranger: HEY

You: HEY

Stranger: do you from?

You: YES

Stranger: brasil?


Stranger: amém

Stranger: ahsuah, tudo beem?

You: ching chong, gracias

Stranger: é do brasil ou nao?

Stranger: do you from brazil, yer or not?


Stranger: yees*



You: SI

Stranger: bueno

Stranger: aqui en brazil eres portugues, complicado entiender el inglês You: TACO BURRITO


Stranger: eres hombre ?

Stranger: mujer?

You: soy una hermana

Stranger: Bueno

Stranger: yo soy hombre, tiengo 17 años, de Brazil

Stranger: prazer.

You: te gusta taco bell?

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!


Stranger: tell me a secret



Stranger: i like chit chat


Stranger: hate jibba nabba

Stranger: erth?





Stranger: bom

You: BIG

Stranger: OMG REALLY?


Stranger: WHAT DO WE DO ?

You: OK







You: no..

You: all is lost


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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hey

Stranger: what is up?

You: nm just thinking about ballons.

You: you?

Stranger: that's pleasant. im just listening to some music

You: what band?

Stranger: eminem

You: gay.... Listen to some real stuff like Micheal Jackson

Stranger: Michael jackson... that aint real.

Stranger: Cannibal Corpse is real

You: How is he not real? Well yeah now he is dead. but he change the music industries

Stranger: not to what i listen to.

You: you listen to gay stuff then. You gay


Stranger: i listen to gay stuff? i listen to everything.

You: everything that is gay...

Stranger: death metal, rap, classical.

You: you mean gay,gay,gay?

Stranger: im not gay right now. but i do believe you are a homosexual

You: Hmmm i am seeing your point

You: so if you listen to gay music you are not gay. hmmm

You: interesting

You: do you wear tight jeans and wear a lot of pink?

Stranger: no. i wear combat pants/ mark 3 combat boots, with a polo shirt.

You: wow that isn't that cool.

Stranger: i dont care what other people think.

You: Oh so your going to do a murder of your high school... Since you "don't" care... You need help.

You: wanna talk about it?

Stranger: im a skin head brotha. i have my own clique to chill with

Stranger: and im not in school anymore

You: ohh so you drop out? Nice! You work at mcdonalds?

Stranger: im not a drop out. i finished high school and im in the army reserves

You: Oh sweet that changes nothing....

Stranger: sure. and what about you? where do you stand in life?

You: It isn't about me, it is about you and the feeling about your life. I am a sing to help you.

Stranger: i dont need help.

You: It is okay, i am here for you

Stranger: i make forty grand a year.

You: Wanna talk about it buddy?

Stranger: im not your buddy.

Stranger: i'd like to smash your head open with a crowbar right now.

You: Have you called your mom and said you love her lately?

Stranger: yes i have

You: good what about to your dad?

Stranger: yeah

You: Okay good. Do they know yet?

Stranger: know what?

You: So you haven't told them....

You: Okay well that is the step you need take right now, just call them and let out you feelings!

You: As much as i have heard they are great parents they will understand...

Stranger: i talk with my parents everyday

You: So they do know?

Stranger: know what?

You: About how your different.

Stranger: how im different haha. i like to be different. my parents are proud that i dont follow the brainwashed like everyone else does

You: You are, that is why you need to tell them about him...

Stranger: whose him?

You: It is alright. We already knew, we are all here for you.

You: Just let your emotions fly and you will feel a lot better!!!

Stranger: i have no idea what you are talking about. are you crazy or something?

Stranger: and i feel really good right now cause i just had a smoke

You: Your in denial. I understand that, somewhat, but i am here for you man. I will help you through this life changing experience. But you need to let you mom and dad know first

Stranger: in denial of what? and im not going through a life changing experience

You: It is alright! I accept you no matter that your different

Stranger: everyone is different.

You: But please dont hold out on your dear old mother, she needs to know

Stranger: and from your standpoint, you must consider yourself normal. and normal is fucked up.

You: I am just doing you a favor since you needed someone to push you so you could finally tell your mom and dad that your not like normal guys. And man that is alright! they will love you no matter what!

Stranger: who is a normal guy? what is a normal guy?

Stranger: define normal

Stranger: is it a brainwashed trendy bigot?

You: To you it seems normal but toward the mass of people it is a touchy subject right now. But you can get married too! In some states that isn't Illegal. Your dad will be proud that you finally are truly in love... And you know what, they will always love you

Stranger: get married? im doing that soon actualy.

You: So then you have to tell them, it will be hard for you to hide that from them... but you know i bet they already know and that they are fine with that

Stranger: and it isn't illegal for me to get married.

You: I know but in some states they don't like it and wont allow it.

Stranger: why cant i marry my girlfriend?

You: Oh so your cheating too? Well that way you didn't tell them. I understand now. Well then you need to talk to her

You: let her know what really is going on

You: and then tell your parents

Stranger: cheating? my girlfriend has been my friend for six years.

Stranger: i would never cheat on her.

Stranger: im a man of convictions

You: i get it your "friend" but you found someone better it happens to everyone. Just sometimes not with each other

Stranger: i havent found anyone better than my girl

You: It is alright, i hear it in your voice i can tell that he is better than her....

Stranger: he. wow. im not a homo.

Stranger: you should quit being a jackass

You: I am just helping a man that needs it.

You: I told you before that it is alright with me

Stranger: i dont need help. im straight.

Stranger: im against homsexuality. i think its a crime

You: It is alright to try and defend yourself. but i see past that and I an tell the he treats you well.

Stranger: im not seeing a guy. thats gay

You: Just let your parents know, there are many places that will accept your new lifestyle. They all were like you before they finally came out.

You: Just go ahead and call your friend and let her know. She most like figured it out already and has been waiting for the "talk"

Stranger: hey. for an annoying prick, you're kind of funny. you know what, i think you're a fa**** too buddy

You: Now your trying to turn it around on me, but i am here FOR you and i plan on getting you through this

You: I understand all of this and it is alright they will still love you!

Stranger: im not gay. im not seeing a man. and i love my girlfriend very much.

You: but you still have the feeling for him.. You mention him all the time.

Stranger: him. there isnt a him.

Stranger: i think you're tripping out on smack you crazy fucker.

You: So what happen to him? Why do you still think about him? Why don't you just come clean, it helps!

You: I bet your scared and it is alright but there are people around you that care for you

Stranger: this 'him' never existed

You: Once you tell everyone he can finally be back into your life and you can finally settle down with him

You: that is what your heart wants and you know it man.

Stranger: im not going to settle down with a homo.

You: It is alright you are now angry again. I am getting you to open up so you can tell your mom and dad

Stranger: i think you're the gay guy. you listen to michael jackson.

You: He will always be there for you

Stranger: that guy is a queer

You: It is okay! He still loves you and your parents will love you too

You: They gave birth to you and they will always love you

You: Just go ahead and tell them

You: and let them finally know the truth

Stranger: ill tell them that im getting married to my gf soon.

Stranger: because i want to

You: then why do you stay up at night think about him!!!!

Stranger: i stay up at night with a gun to my head.

You: Why? Are you that scared of people knowing?

Stranger: people knowing that im getting married?

Stranger: no. cause im getting shipped off soon and im scared

You: That you want to be with him...

Stranger: maybe you want to be with this guy you keep talking about

Stranger: cause i dont know any guy like this

You: I get it man, your leaving the county and you will not be with him any more. I am sorry

Stranger: haha. this is so amusing

You: Good, i hope you now have the courage to get finally tell your parents

Stranger: you're an idiot.

You: But i am right.

Stranger: no. you are wrong.

You: Then why do you miss him? and keep a picture of him under your bed

Stranger: ha. whatever homo

Stranger: you sappy prick

You: Call your parents and tell them.

You: Then you can finally have peace before you go away

Stranger: hmm. maybe ill tell my parents that im going to meet you so i can put a cap in your thoat.

You: The correct sentence is a "cap in my head n***a" but that isn't my point. Just tell them, do it for yourself

Stranger: no. i shoot people where ever i want. i want to see you gurgling blood

Stranger: choking

You: I did hit the nail on the head. With your actions you have told me. That wasn't that hard just go and tell them

Stranger: im not gay

You: You told me so yourself. Just give them a call and let it all out.

You: They will love you no matter what

Stranger: yeah. my parents will love me no matter what. im not gay though.

You: Just go ahead, sit down, drink whatever you like and call them

You: They will finally be proud of you

Stranger: maybe you should call your parents. and tell them that you're going to get your head split open on the curb

You: I will when it happens but untill then let them know. You know your heart wants this. you been telling me this the whole time

Stranger: my heart want my girl.

You: Just go ahead, sit down, drink whatever you like and call them

Stranger: do your parents know you're gay?

Stranger: how you love the balls hitting your leg while getting fucked up the ass?

You: So you experienced that before?

You: See what i mean... Just go ahead, sit down, drink whatever you like and call them

Stranger: no. but my girlfriend has from me.

You: So not yet with him but your friend has done it to you... Just go ahead, sit down, drink whatever you like and call your parents

Stranger: buh bye homo

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: im a male 21 wanna cam

You: no i wanna cum mmm

You: I like young men. 52 male. Let's hook up where do you wanna go to cyber?

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

Stranger: m or f?

You: Both

You: I'm packin the pistol AND the holster, if you catch my drift.

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hello

You: hi

Stranger: whats going on?

You: I dunno. Apparently there is a stranger typing on my screen

Stranger: oh no lol

You: it keeps sending me that message I'm confused

You: can you help me?

You: sEE!

Stranger: um sure i guess lol...

You: there it is again!

You: I'm gonna get naked that might help

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