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Abe Hopes To Avoid Landing In Rough In Golf Outing With Trump

Champ Kind

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2017-02-10T050431Z_4_LYNXMPED180K8_RTROPTP_2_USA-TRUMP-ABE-GOLF.JPG(Reuters) - With golf long regarded as a stern measure of character and a natural setting for deal-making, U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's weekend outing in Florida could be viewed as more than a leisurely bonding exercise between two world leaders. U.S. President Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Abe will form a twosome for their round of golf on Saturday, presumably at the Trump International Golf Club near his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach. Trump told a local sports radio station last weekend golf was a better way to get to know someone than lunch and saw his match-up with Abe as a "fun" meeting between partners rather than adversaries.


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