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What Is Acceptable And What Is Considered Unacceptable?


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this is more of a racism related topic, i wanted to discuss what is considered ok to say on HG servers and what is unacceptable.

in this post that The Empathetic Peacemaker commented on, he says the the rules are mostly made to prevent more serious forms of harassment (which i'm assuming means that it is made to prevent using words like "ni**er", "fa**ot" or other discriminatory slurs to target people or demographics specifically not when it is used in a song from a black singer) but this goes against how the rules are being enforced.

Let's take as an example jailbreak, when lr/Last Guard/Warday comes users are allowed to play music that fits the rules, but if someone plays music that contains that word "ni**a" the admin will request the music to be shut off regardless of context, which goes against what I think peacemaker said, in that case, what should happen?

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Harassment =/= hate speech, so the assumption you draw in parenthases isn't correct. Hate speech is not protected by the first amendment and restricting it goes against HG's value to protect free speech. One form of hate speech we don't allow is racism, but aside from that and a few other circumstances we do allow hate speech in a general sense.


Edit: if you go to the post I linked, you'll see I pointed out ambiguities in our rules about which forms of discrimination we choose to take a stand against. This applies here also.


If I want to call jarjarbinks a dirty ugly fuck face, I'm protected under the first amendment to do so, just like if I were to discriminate against a gay person for being gay or a black person etc. etc. HG, on the other hand, has preventative measures in place to ensure racism is punished, but there aren't any for other forms of personal attacks, like against sexual orientations. Therein lies the gray area that must be investigated.


Isn't there a rule that says respect all players on jailbreak. I have seen players insult each other using harsh language but not racism and having an admin warn them because they are not respecting each other. I don't know if this is on other servers but i have seen this rule enforced on jailbreak.

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It's a one-size-fits-all rule that's very vague. What does it mean to be respectful in the eyes of leadership? As a community, if we're going to define which language we need to use, we should elaborate to explain what that means in full. For the sake of arguing, I can say I hate gay or Jewish people and get away with it a considerable amount of the time in-game, whereas if I said the same thing about black people I'd be gagged. Both forms of hate speech, but with different punishments. Without the codification of the rule, it falls onto the admins' personal agency to enforce his own interpretation of what is respectful.


Edited for grammar.


Yeah i completely understand your point because of the huge grey area and what people think is ok and what they think is not. There are some occasions where it is very obvious that they are being disrespectful but the rules need to be a little more specific to help admins make there decision. Good point.

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