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False Accusations


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Okey guys I am getting done with me getting hatted because i got scammed/ banned / didn't get promoted.

I didn't ever betted 50k Rep it was about 5k rep. The Point Is He Owns Me 10K that means 10k - 5k is 5k THAT HE NEEDS TO PAY

I just didn't got promoted because i got scammed i hope you guys concider what did personly does to me!!! alot of people messaged me mad AM DONE WITH IT ASK HIMSELF ITS ABOUT 5K HE MISTYPED AND ASK HIM HE OWNED ME 10K BUT HE FORGOT HE EVEN SAID SORRY!!!

[HG] Shenanigans: Why did u ban guns?

Stephanie Portha: mistake

[HG] Shenanigans: Seems like quite a mistake

Stephanie Portha: yep


These are the messages he sended with shenanigans


i am so facking sad now and Please message stephanie about this i wont type more because that wouldnt do a shit

i hope you all read this because i didnt do nothing and you all facking hate me now!! i waited 1month for nothing i had 15 +1s and then this happened

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