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Please Remove My What I Assume Is A Permanent Ban.


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I have at least 1000 hours on this server and it's one of my favorites. I was banned last night and I came back on in the morning and I was unbanned, and now I tried rejoining this afternoon and they put the ban BACK?


I don't think what I did deserves a permanent ban, I was making a joke about "No mods no rules" since there were no mods on and posted racist comments. At first I thought my ban only lasted for a few hours since I came back on this morning and the ban expired, but when I came back I did nothing wrong this time and for some reason my ban got re-added.


I didn't threaten to ddos the server or threaten moderators or players, all I did was say the N word several times in chat and I don't know what my ban length is. Only 1% of the time I'm on HG (Which translates to one every 30 days) will I make racist comments.


The ban doesn't say how long it is but I will assume it's from only a week or two to being permanent. Can I at least know how long it is? A note for HG mods I don't think saying the N word deserves a week ban, maybe like a 3-5 day ban MAX.

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I have at least 1000 hours on this server and it's one of my favorites. I was banned last night and I came back on in the morning and I was unbanned, and now I tried rejoining this afternoon and they put the ban BACK?


I don't think what I did deserves a permanent ban, I was making a joke about "No mods no rules" since there were no mods on and posted racist comments. At first I thought my ban only lasted for a few hours since I came back on this morning and the ban expired, but when I came back I did nothing wrong this time and for some reason my ban got re-added.


I didn't threaten to ddos the server or threaten moderators or players, all I did was say the N word several times in chat and I don't know what my ban length is. Only 1% of the time I'm on HG (Which translates to one every 30 days) will I make racist comments.


The ban doesn't say how long it is but I will assume it's from only a week or two to being permanent. Can I at least know how long it is? A note for HG mods I don't think saying the N word deserves a week ban, maybe like a 3-5 day ban MAX.


"I don't think what I did deserves a permanent ban, I was making a joke about "No mods no rules" since there were no mods on and posted racist comments."

"all I did was say the N word several times in chat"


Disappointing. https://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?i=224074-da-untermensch

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