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Hg Recruit Help


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Well if you don't already know my story, I was a recruit when I first joined (in March.) Been here for two months now and I wanted to apply for member into the HG community.


With my birthday that was on May 18th, my brother decided to play a little prank on me by "multiclanning" me with pg. I never intended to do this but was demoted for multi clanning. I talked about this in TeamSpeak (I forgot who) and asked what I should've done. He said for me to reapply. I was a little stumped that I had to wait another 2 months to reapply for member, but it was no big issue.


I went on pg forums, signed into my account with my steam account and made a request to leave. With doing os, I immediately came over here, and re applied for recruit. Someone (forgot who) denied it saying i was still multiclanning with pg, and that I can only reapply in another month. I was kinda mad now since I already turned in my request to leave pg. I have proof talking to one of the moderator or upper admin people about me leaving pg in steam message. If you would like me to show that to you I would. But all I am asking is that I NEVER INTENDED TO JOIN PG. If there is a way where I can apply for recruit right now I will be very grateful.


There are some really awesome and great friends I met along the way for being here almost three months. And now since summer is already here I want to apply for recruit to play with you guys during this time. I am truly sorry that I have to go through all of this but if there is a way to reapply for recruit I will be delighted.


If there are any questions regarding this please ask me in steam message, reply to this thread, or talk to me on instagram or snapchat ben.etc (for both)

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Now that you have officially left pg, you may reapply for recruit as of June 25th 2017, as maine said on your previous application. Let us know if you have anymore questions. Please do not make another application until this date.


Thank you




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  On 5/30/2017 at 5:34 PM, Silly said:

Now that you have officially left pg, you may reapply for recruit as of June 25th 2017, as maine said on your previous application. Let us know if you have anymore questions. Please do not make another application until this date.


Thank you




I understand, but if I have left pg then reapplied which wouldve only taken 10 minutes to leave pg then would've you rejected me and given me a month to reapply? You see, I understand that I was multiclanning, but I ave proof that I have left pg (you accepted that I did) and I want to apply for recruit now. Like i said summer is here and I dont want to wait for this long to apply for recruit. If I only waited 10 minutes before apply for recruit again would you think I would have to reapply and wait for a month? This was basically the main reason why I made this thread, to get an excuse of that one month of reapplying. Look I understand the rules here, read the bible for JB and the rules. I dont have any scratches in my record in JB servers or the community. I put no hatred to anyone, all I'm asking is if I can have a formal excuse of one month of reapplying.


edited btw

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  On 5/30/2017 at 5:49 PM, Silly said:

Maine is the one who told you to reapply on the 25th, i can't overrule his decision. had you waited until you left before you applied, you would've been fine.


Is there any way to take this into consideration since i never intended joining pg and since I already left and clan less?

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Thursday May 18 2017

[5:59:12 PM] ThisIsLame: well there was a guy in particular who was a little rude to new players and "noobs" to the servers (will not be saying names)

[6:00:56 PM] Jesse ������: ah yeah, that's unfortunately something that does seem to happen occasionally. but we try to make sure everyone enjoys the environment and enjoys playing on our servers. sorry about that :(

[6:01:20 PM] ThisIsLame: no problem

[6:01:23 PM] Jesse ������: lastly, is there anything you would change about our community to make it better, to your standards?

[6:01:37 PM] ThisIsLame: well it may be a hrash thing but

[6:02:20 PM] ThisIsLame: what ever happened with you and hg get over it trying not to be so rude. Were two awesome and great communities trying to have fun, why no just have fun together. Thats all thanks

[6:03:25 PM] Jesse ������: yeah, i'm not too familiar with hg or if pG has a "rivalry" with them. but i agree with you, gaming communities should try to get along nicely.

[6:04:03 PM] Jesse ������: well that's all i have to ask you, i'll go ahead and remove your recruit rank now. thank you for your time, and I hope we still see you around from time to time :)

[6:04:16 PM] ThisIsLame: Thanks its been a pleasure with you guys

[6:06:21 PM] ThisIsLame: and how do i confirm i left pg?

[6:07:06 PM] Jesse ������: well, i've removed your recruit rank for you. plus i just responded to the thread you made requesting to leave and put a little note in saying you left

[6:07:10 PM] Jesse ������: so that's pretty much it

[6:07:21 PM] ThisIsLame: well thanks jesse

[6:07:26 PM] ThisIsLame: i will see you around

[6:07:33 PM] Jesse ������: no problem! have a great day :)

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