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Dota 2 Update - May 31St, 2017

Brick Tamland

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* As an experimental change for a few days, All Pick will now have 25 heroes randomly removed from the hero pool at the start of the draft before the ban phase. This change only affects Ranked Matchmaking.



* In today’s update we are changing how commands are processed in Dota to address some user input contention and improve responsiveness. Previously if you cast a spell and before it finished casting, you cast two spells afterwards, only the last spell would be cast. The order queue was only 1 deep effectively. This usually has no practical impact, except for things with really fast/instant cast time done in sequence. Here are a few examples of how the behavior would be different:




Example 1:


Axe casts battle hunger. While the cast animation is playing, Axe quickly uses a Blink Dagger and then Berserker’s Call.


Old Rules: Only Berserker’s Call is cast. The blink dagger order is ignored.

New Rules: Axe will use the Blink Dagger, then cast Berserker’s Call.



Example 2:


Puck casts Illusory Orb. Puck then casts Dream Coil. While the cast animation of Dream Coil is playing, Puck quickly casts Ethereal Jaunt and Waning Rift.


Old Rules: Only Waning Rift would have triggered and Puck would not have teleported with Ethereal Jaunt.

New Rules: Puck teleports with Ethereal Jaunt and then casts Waning Rift in the new location.



This change applies generally to all orders that are issued when your hero is in another action (like during a cast animation or while stunned), and the order needs to enter the queue. Issuing a movement command or stop will still empty the queue same as before, if you decide you no longer want to issue the orders in the queue.


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