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not enough info (Cs:go) Abuse Report (Arkangelangel)


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Abuse Report

Abuser Name








Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID




Where did this occur?








What server?








How long ago did this take place?








Give us a brief description of the incident.







So it started how I got rdmd on TTT, I was an innocent and so was the other inno. I told an admin by the name of ArkAngelAngel. He said stop faking logs and never slayed the person. he kicked me out for faking logs when I wasn't Also I did fake logs for fun only once on another user but that was all. then after the real incident of the RDM, that's when I was not faking logs.

Proof Links?










Edited by Axteruz
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1. I when I kicked axe for posting fake logs, those were of about a round or 2 before, He says it was for fun but was screaming in mic for us admins to slay, I kicked him during said current round where he was rdm'd. was not focusing on the current issue as I was busy with that and I thought other admins like pickles and pyric would do that.




in the imgur, the fake logs were directed to tdr0cker51 where he mispells his name by the capital T in his name which is lowercase and wrong format trying to convince us that he rdm'd. He had been doing more which I screenshotted but my comp died and could not retrieve from steam, ask misc about my comp troubles, its bad.

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1. I when I kicked axe for posting fake logs, those were of about a round or 2 before, He says it was for fun but was screaming in mic for us admins to slay, I kicked him during said current round where he was rdm'd. was not focusing on the current issue as I was busy with that and I thought other admins like pickles and pyric would do that.




in the imgur, the fake logs were directed to tdr0cker51 where he mispells his name by the capital T in his name which is lowercase and wrong format trying to convince us that he rdm'd. He had been doing more which I screenshotted but my comp died and could not retrieve from steam, ask misc about my comp troubles, its bad.

Yeah but in that picture of yours all it proves was the 1 time u told me stop faking logs with TD. but then when the problem came that i got rdmd you told me to stop faking logs and that was when i actually WAS NOT faking logs.
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I had more proof screenshotted thru steam but lost it when my comp died on me which erases the screenshots in the upload list, ask most of tf2 they know my comp troubles. I never intended for you to think the fake logs warning to be of that round. as I said i was not paying attention to that round.


But even without more proof, your actions the past few days has had many people not just me frustrated with you on the server.

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I had more proof screenshotted thru steam but lost it when my comp died on me which erases the screenshots in the upload list, ask most of tf2 they know my comp troubles. I never intended for you to think the fake logs warning to be of that round. as I said i was not paying attention to that round.


But even without more proof, your actions the past few days has had many people not just me frustrated with you on the server.

well too bad so sad u lost more of ur "proof" and 2 about other ppl frustrated of me. I'm trying to let that in the past and move on and make sure that never happens again. Edited by Axteruz
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Okay well here's the thing, Axteruz you should never be faking logs just because you think it's humorous and attempting to confuse the admins who review them each round.

There's clearly not enough proof displayed here on what happened so Ark, just make sure if he or someone else is purposely faking logs to contact them through steam or PMs in-game before taking any further action and Axteruz, don't fake logs or do anything to confuse admins in anyway in future.


We're all here to enjoy our time and have fun, don't cause problems for our admins otherwise problems like this will occur for you.

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