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reviewed (Cs:go) Abuse Report (-Hg- Lonehamster)


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Abuse Report

Abuser Name

-hg- lonehamster

Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID


Where did this occur?


What server?


How long ago did this take place?

10-20 minutes ago

Give us a brief description of the incident.

hamster slaps a player several times and is told to stop abusing. I alt tab for a few minutes to review my demo and I tab back into the match to see him slapping himself and another player.

Proof Links?

please look at the rounds to have a rough sketch of the timeline


video of the 1st abuse and the 2nd abuse was when I changed my name when I told him abuse is abuse even if it is 1 or 100 players on the server (see screenshots)

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In the video you show me slapping myself during a low traffic hour of the game. as I understood it, this was allowed. and my claim that there were only like 5 people was attempting to explain myself without explicitly stating the rule , I wasn't really impacting the game in a huge way. at the time, nobody was really doing much of anything. I don't know what timezone you are in but this was 4 in the morning for me


This rule:

  • Do not use admin commands on yourself. Only one that is okay is slaying yourself. If you broke a rule the best thing to do it to apologize and don't do it again.

Changed to:

  • You can use admin commands on yourself as long as it's not considered affecting gameplay (I.E: spamming commands on yourself, slapping yourself, etc).

I then proceed to slap Jeff around for his use of racial slurs. i understand this isn't the proper punishment, I just had it open on 0 damage and thought I would slap him around a little. you then handled the situation very well. the second instance you are referring too is when me and the one other player, skull kid, were simply having a pirate day. he was being slapped around on the big cage, which is allowed. I would like to reiterate, this was during a VERY low traffic hour and I was just trying to entertain him. I recognize that, under different circumstances, my actions would DEFIANTLY be considered abuse, but I hope we can agree that these were not those circumstances




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So you think that because it was 4am, no one was online just gave you the right to abuse your powers? There's no way that you were doing a "pirate day" at all with only 2 of you in the server, you know you were slapping him for fun and because you thought you were allowed due to there being no one on the server. Like Enforcer said in the video, it doesn't matter the amount of players on the server whether its 1 or 100 abuse is still abuse.


The point you made about using admin commands on yourself to not affect gameplay? Well slapping yourself and others does affect gameplay. Everything shown here is abuse.


And if you've read though the admin guide, you would know that you don't slap players for doing racial slurs but the warning, kick and ban procedure which you clearly didn't follow here.

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