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Get A Ttt Team Up!

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When you ask someone to join a group (Max 2-5 players) all players have to accept the invitation. It's like a T Truce. All T's will not be able to kill the other group members, and other group members will not be able to call out the T, neither kill him until it is a 1v1, 1v2, 1v3 (for within the group. People will be able to make connections with others, or always stick to people they trust. Mods will be able to slay anyone who calls out a T in their group, and be kicked out of the group. Also all Groups members will have a G above their head!



-Hopfully this will be inputed, I would love to see this happen! Plzy No Rdmy :)

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Also all Groups members will have a G above their head.

Ruthless, can I have a permanent G for gay?

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