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Anybody ever see a Dung Beetle?

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Actually thats bear poo, maybe grizzly poo but not grizzly's poo no it's not a bug you want to eat.

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The term ‘dung beetle’ encapsulates about 7,000 insect species in the superfamily Scarabaeoidea (trans. ‘You probably don’t want to stay for dinner’) that inhabit every continent except Antarctica, where dung beetles, along with military activities and mineral mining, are banned by international treaty.


Dung beetles are so named because their lives revolve around poop. While most animals would react with shame, horror, and possible bites at having a synonym for poop in their name, dung beetles consider it a point of pride. They just love the stuff. Once a dung beetle picks up a whiff of nearby poop with their extremely strong sense of smell, there’s no turning back. To them, the odor of poop is what the scent of a corner pizzeria on a chilly fall evening is to humans, only the pizza is topped with crack and we’re all crack addicts. They love poop that much.

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