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not abuse (Cs:go) Abuse Report (Detectiveyellnow)

Le Amber <3

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Abuse Report

Abuser Name


Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID


Where did this occur?


What server?


How long ago did this take place?

about an hour ago

Give us a brief description of the incident.

I had an altercation with DetectiveYellNow where he accused me of RDM'ing someone.

The next round he was a T, he went down the stairs, shot me, and I was able to see the bullet leaving his gun, so I sprayed him down and killed him. Instantly ending the round. He then slayed me, probably due to being salty af

Proof Links?

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Do you have a demo of this? Nothing I can really do based off the screenshot as he coulda shot you as you ran around a corner but there were multiple people next to detective.


Literally what you said Fortis.

He's been literally derping around in TTT RDMing based on sound and situations, which requires better understanding by reading the rules.

Also stating (even those I have no proof) His Toxic behavior in TS3 is not needed for a recruit.




Tick 8825 Rdms someone in the room, even those someone tossed the nade from behind him


Edited by DetectiveYellNow
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