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Narcotics [Admin]


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1. Name: Narcotics [Admin]

2. Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:26915311

3. Server: Jailbreak

4. Reason: Racist Spray

5. Proof: Below

6. Comments: We banned triiger for this spray, but gollygee, it was Narcotics the new JB admin. Really fricking intelligent.



If he can't follow our most basic rules why should he be admin? He spams commands, freeslayed, spams mic, and spams admin chat. It was pretty poor. I went in undercover because I received complaints from multiple long time admins and players. I'm not sure a permaban is required...but he doesn't deserve admin at all.










Original ban report for Triiger.



Edit: Added tag and this is the sourcebans: https://hellsgamers.com/sb/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_0:1:26915311&Submit

Edited by Slazenger
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He was spamming the admin boxes which was getting irritating


I was there for all that. People were getting annoyed telling him to stop from mic and chat. He was boasting about how he really was an admin. I told him to quit it and also have him some wisdom. I got no reply.


edit* His steam id is yeilds nothing at all when searched which is suspicious, everyone has something. Maybe he does keep his nose clean, or my theory is he got a new account. One thing is clear, he needs to come in here and tell us about what a stupid spay he has and why.

Edited by Never trust a hippie
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