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Borderlands HG Community (4)


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So if many of you have not heard about or have missed the steam store ad's, Borderlands has been out for about a month now and I had the opportunity to play it on my friends computer at his house, on another friends xbox 360 and torrented a copy for myself to see how It feels on the PC. I am now purchasing the full version from Steam and will have to say that this game is amazing!







Of course it does not compete in sales with Modern Warfare 2 for obvious reasons but I think if we had a small community of only (3) or more players seeing as how I just got my copy, we can quest and take this game to the fullest with up to 4 player live questing and battle.





Anyone interested in playing this amazing game? Hit me up and we can party together.



Developer talk on the numerous amount of guns in the game, over 17,750,000 droppable weapons! yes thats SEVENTEEN MILLION GUNS, ALL UNIQUE




WOOT! GET THIS GAME NOW, only $50 if you havn't spent all your money on Modern Warfare 2 yet!


I would say the graphics are very similar to the cut effects used in "A Scanner Darkly"




but taken to a whole other level on the PC.


I also Have to admit that this game does take a lot of harware to run smoothly, You will find that unless your computer can handle games such as Crysis, MW2, Farcry, and some portions of WoW at max graphics, you might be lacking in the graphical presentation and capability this game can offer. Not to mention it uses the new Unreal Engine so if you can benchmark UT games and run them fine, you can pull this game off on your PC without a sweat.


Wellp, I hope I managed to get some of your eyes looking in the direction of borderlands, See ya in Pandora!! (the world of borderlands)

Edited by JuIcY
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