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lol. His account did get hijacked. Which makes him nub. :)


Don't take it too hard but... In the years I've been using steam on multiple different accounts I've never had any problems.


Your login info goes into the login when you start steam and never anywhere else..... ever.....nub. lol.


You should be able to get your account back but I hear it takes a good amount of time before they respond to you. In the meantime you're blocked.

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Thanks alot guys for being complete ASSHOLES. If you would read my post you would realize that this isnt fucking me and I've been hacked. It seems soccercrazy is the only one using his brain here.


plz dont call us assholes

we posted this long before u came and said u got hijacked

not our fault

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lol. His account did get hijacked. Which makes him nub. :)


Don't take it too hard but... In the years I've been using steam on multiple different accounts I've never had any problems.


Your login info goes into the login when you start steam and never anywhere else..... ever.....nub. lol.


You should be able to get your account back but I hear it takes a good amount of time before they respond to you. In the meantime you're blocked.



Meanwhile you're crying like a baby asking us to read your posts again because you continue to insist that it wasn't you yet you completely missed anything I stated in my posts.


First off there guy I never tried to get you banned.


Second I stated that your steam account DID get hacked and I also stated that you should be able to get your account back but it might take a while from what I have heard from others.


With that being said here's a fucking tissue please go cry somewhere else. Oh yeah and don't do dumb shit like give some hacker your account info because you want "free games" from steam. Boohoo I'm an asshole stop fucking crying.


Thank you! Come again.:hi:

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PWNED is your steam still ok? When i got this from a guy name "Pit Bul" my steam instantly crashed and was hijacked. This seems like a huge virus that has been going around steam...


yeah nothin happened to me

i clicked on link like 5million times

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yeah nothin happened to me

i clicked on link like 5million times


Since you like posting on forums so much, why did you ignore Bone's response?



he is in hg doing this


plz ban for doing sh!t like this


I've got reports of you doing it to people, So don't accuse others when your in the wrong for the same thing

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so appenrently im the 1337 haxor here

if anyone else wants to see that i did care what bone said

original message sent to bone

only i canguess saying i was trying to hijack accounts would be roy

i was tlalking to him about the person i put link in chatbox so now im supposedly the haxor and i deleted the chatbox url and the one that was in my post so dont start posting accusations as seen here "post" unless you know full story

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Didn't seem to care about arguing with sniper through forums on this post. What changed? Oh wait. It's about you.


Don't even bother.


was never about sniper

was about bone

what changed?

well u saying i was ingonoring bone's question

and u saying i post so much

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