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Apple Juice - what happened?


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Apple Juice was one of the more active members of our community between jailbreak, minigames, and the deathmatch servers. He hasn't been online since October 25th.



I spoke to him that afternoon. He was planning on going to the local recruitment center to go into the armed forces. He said be back in a few hours. He has not been heard of since.


It's definitely not like him to disappear without a trace or a post. And certainly he would've had time before going into the military.




I was hoping someone had some information on where he might be? For all I know he could've gotten into an accident or something. Something just doesn't feel right about this.



Edit: Does anyone have another way to contact him, like a phone number? Maybe I'm being overconcerned...but I hold regard and concern for all friends, regardless of whether they are online or from my life.

Edited by Slazenger
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