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Which Game


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MW2. I picked it up for the 360 since it seems like a safer bet over the computer at this time, and pretty much for all of the reasons Lamp stated. It's decent multiplayer for a console but not good for the PC.


Aside from that, the single player was phenomenal and I haven't stopped having fun since I bought it.

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I don't understand the complaints. I think its because yall suck on the mp end. ;)

I will give you the matchmaking if anything, but the only time it becomes a noticable problem is when there are large parties.


I like the re-hosting, and think it has worked fine. (for me)

I don't notice this connectivity issue so many people complain about, my hits hit where I hit, and I don't notice any jerky type lag. (only when I join off someone who lives in some other state/country, and still barely any, not enough to make an issue of.)


Co-op campaign would have been sweet.


Overall, I think the complaints are to give people somthing to complain about.

Americans...go figure. ;)


btw, I only have 1.5meg down...so....

But either way, BC2 > MW2. :D

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I don't understand the complaints. I think its because yall suck on the mp end. ;)

I will give you the matchmaking if anything, but the only time it becomes a noticable problem is when there are large parties.


I like the re-hosting, and think it has worked fine. (for me)

I don't notice this connectivity issue so many people complain about, my hits hit where I hit, and I don't notice any jerky type lag. (only when I join off someone who lives in some other state/country, and still barely any, not enough to make an issue of.)


Co-op campaign would have been sweet.


Overall, I think the complaints are to give people somthing to complain about.

Americans...go figure. ;)


btw, I only have 1.5meg down...so....

But either way, BC2 > MW2. :D


The main problem is that when I'm trying to play with Koth and Co., most of them are west coast, so, more often than not, they will be the ones to get host, and I'm stuck with 2-3 bars.


Rehosting is messed up, last night in one game, our first host dropped, and then the game picked a guy who gave everyone 1-2 bars, he himself somehow didn't even have full connection, and it wouldn't rehost.

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