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Attention everyone.....


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The HG Community is funded through donations and admin purchases.


All the rest of you play for free. We are already towards the end of the month. This is kind of pathetic.


Things will have to be shut down if we don't have the funds to keep everything running.


Donors even have the chance to win the raffle!!



Spread the word around the servers that we need donations, ingrates.




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That would happen to be my job.


- To be honest I think you'd actually be better cutting some servers off anyway, there are some which I have never seen a single person playing at all. Although this isn't my choice so... (Insert second half of sentence here)


As said on other threads, cutting the unused ones wouldnt do anything. Cutting the big ones would be more helpful because they use more bandwith,If im correct

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If I wasn't a poor college student, I'd be donating.


When I graduate as long as HG is still around (which I don't see why it wouldn't be), I'll donate at least a grand. Keep this post to hold me to my word. I think that's fair? Make up for lost time.

Edited by Slazenger
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