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Market Advertising: Battle Royale

The Booty Bandit

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Hello, Its me Jay


Anyway i've noticed quite a bit of stuff thats kinda annoyed me and its the marketing tactic of battle royale.



"The Old tries the New"




I've seen a few things lately

1. Old games starting to lose attention due to age and i mean well reptiveness (Battlefield, COD, Halo, Etc.)

Have all tried one marketing strategy to fit in with modern titles and be relevant again.... Battle Royale.

With the the rise of Fortnite battle royale has became household name. Its the new CtF or TDM its fresh. and Because of Fortnites sucess people are trying harder than pulling a crumb out of a black hole to bank off of this.



"i got it right, this time i think...."



What most people don't get is... The reason Fortnite is so popular is because 3 things.


This is everything a moderen kid would want today so it adverts farily well




i forgot


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