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Dear Helmin:


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You know that snow we were talking about that we hope we get this year? Well guess what? I'm not trying to jinx us....but....


They are calling for 1-2 inches tonight in Fayetteville with 2-4 inches tomorrow and 1 inch tonight with 2-4 inches tomorrow for Raleigh. That's right, snow. It's with a 70% chance. We will both AT LEAST see 1 inch. While you guys up north get 6"+ all the time, we never see snow in the Carolinas. This is kind of nice for us. It's suppose to be 50 degrees today and drop down to 19 tonight and be 35 tomorrow. That's how the temperature is in the Carolina's. Anyways, I just thought you should know that we are finally going to get some snow. :rock: Get out your sled, lmfao. It's time to be a kid again. They will panic and since it's suppose to be 40 on Wednesday, not all the snow will melt. The towns in N.C. will shutdown and people will go nuts. Schools shut down for a dust of snow, BRING ON THE SNOW! Let's shutdown the towns!:rock:

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