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-hg- The Real Pedobear (Jailbreak)


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Name: -hg- The Real Pedobear [A]

Steam ID: Idk, I can't find his name on the recruit list and I didn't type status, but his admin name is 412Drouin Edit by Slaz: STEAM_0:1:25127314

Server: Jailbreak

Reason: Muting people because they are 'kids'

Roy came on vent, asking for help in jailbreak because some1 was spamming their mic. I went in there, not to find a guy spamming his mic, but this admin mutting anyone that talked, because they sounded young. I told him to stop, but he did it again, and other admins also told him to stop, but then he left.

I don't think muting people because they are kids sets a good example for HG.

If I can find his steam ID, ill post it, if not, some1 should be able to find it via admin name.

Proof: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/1/776a39fb6959c83fc09868187fbc45a3.jpg








- - - Yes, I went inside Jailbreak :( - - - (HELP ME!)

Edited by Slazenger
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I haven't muted Edhead, i muted jedi and bannana.


I muted bannana because he was screaming in his mic.


And, i don't think it's a good example too to have 5 years old talking on the mic over and over again.


I only remember that admins were muting kids with this reason : You can't talk if you're not atleast 14years old or until your balls drop.

Edited by DarkPirater
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as a strong supporter for NOT hearing kids on the mic it is still against the rules to mute them "just because you dont want to hear them" if theyre talking over people giving commands (which they usually do) then its fine. but this isn't your server its HellsGamers so abide by the admin rules given to you or you will have it revoked.

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as a strong supporter for NOT hearing kids on the mic it is still against the rules to mute them "just because you dont want to hear them" if theyre talking over people giving commands (which they usually do) then its fine. but this isn't your server its HellsGamers so abide by the admin rules given to you or you will have it revoked.


The first time i muted him, he was talking over the lead ct.


The other time because he was annoying and after the warning from the admins, i stopped using the mute command and i left the game because the kid was annoying.


That's what really happened.

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alrighty, the screenshots provided do not show anything more then just him muting people and saying he doesn't like hearing kids. Not conclusive enough for me but i will leave this case for future reference if the same problem arises this will then count as more evidence for the future case.

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My Question is.. If they are giving orders and you can't understand them because of their voice cracking or their mic is fail or something along that line? Are we allowed to mute not because he's little bawls haven't dropped but not being able to understand him or if the Lead CT has a bad mic period can we mute them and have another CT give orders?

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