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lolol i joined like 20 minutes after ht dissolved and the new tags =[


The new tags I still think are fake. I'm going to continue to rock the "HT | " tag only because Homer drug me kicking and screaming into that tag from my older, cooler, and infinitely more pro "|H-T| " tag, and I said it was the last tag switch I planned on doing.


Can I still bother you and not know you?


People will bother me regardless anyway, I've come to terms with it. If I'm bothered, I'll hide in private channels, turn of paging, and generally make myself unavailable.


Welcome back Shurlgi, even though.. I've probably seen you... almost 15 times since i started play HG servers... and we never met....


Nice to formally meet you, sorry I don't know you already but I've got a terrible memory. I'll work on seeing you more in game (try to use vent/teamspeak, it's easier to remember folks with a voice).



And finally, most of you probably don't have access to the HG Veteran forums, but Malkin decided to take some time outside of the online social/gaming scene to pursue IRL things. Sad to see him go, but before he left, we talked about reviving the custom maps server. For those not 'in the know', this is basically the old-schoolers FAVORITE server, the server that HT started on before it was HT (the NitroServer), that I started playing on. Basically, new map every 20-30 minutes, with optional vote extend. It keeps everything new and fresh and makes things more based on skills, not playing the map for 1k hours at a time and learning everything. Anyway, it's a pro idea, and although Malkin left the scene, I'm still down...questions, comments? Let's hear em!

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