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PSU in my computer died...


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Damn computer shuts off while I'm playing TF2 last night...comes back on and all my fans are dimmer than normal.


System make it into windows, shuts off again, tried to come back on but shuts off after a few seconds. Pulled out the PSU, cleaned it with some air lol. Put back in, still same thing... feels like I'm running on low batteries. Kind of annoying, but this is my first hardware failure in 3-4 years, guess I had it coming. This was a OCZ 850 watt PSU, sob.


Just placed an order for a Corsair 750. :offensivesmilie:

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Damn computer shuts off while I'm playing TF2 last night...comes back on and all my fans are dimmer than normal.


System make it into windows, shuts off again, tried to come back on but shuts off after a few seconds. Pulled out the PSU, cleaned it with some air lol. Put back in, still same thing... feels like I'm running on low batteries. Kind of annoying, but this is my first hardware failure in 3-4 years, guess I had it coming. This was a OCZ 850 watt PSU, sob.


Just placed an order for a Corsair 750. :offensivesmilie:


Don't just trash the old one. It still has enough juice to power that rod you have strapped to you chair that you sit on. What did you tell me that was for? Oh yeah your posture...I remember. I guess that makes sense since it goes all the way up to about your chest.


Now it will be able to message your back faster.


I need to do my taxes, so I can see what kind of video card I want to get, and maybe a quadcore.

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if the psu wasn't powerful enough it wouldn't even turn on, it might be something else take out your gpu and tell me if it starts up still.


Yea i unplugged the GPU, hard drives won't even click on anymore and my lights keep dimming and it shuts off eventually.



take a peek inside. Does it smell funny? If you RMA it or it can be RMA'd I'll buy it from you.


Nothing smells funny, just not powering like it should. Its only 10 months old. I'll be shooting it off for an RMA this week. If you are serious and want it I will give you a good price.

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