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Story Time


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I was 8 years old, on a school camp. Obviously, the first day was settling in and going to bed. Just before lights out, I looked out the window to see a, I don't know, lets say 16 year old boy as pale as Michael Jackson, just staring at me and my friends through the window. As we wear all either 8, 9 or teachers, we had no idea who this boy was, he ended up just walking away that night. Anyway, we wake up the next morning and goto breakfast and then to activities. At lunch, we had to go back to our cabins to get changed as we had just been going through mud for the past 4 hours. And we notice, all of our cabins were trashed, sheets off beds, pillows on the floors, clothes out of suitcases. Understandably I was distrought and had a sudden urge for vengence, we all started pointing fingers at each other before the teachers had to step in and stop us from fighting each other. So anyway, we cleaned up a little and went off to eat the lunch that had been waiting for us for the past 20 minutes. We start walking towards the cabins again and see a girl from our class standing outside of them, we all stare at her before I, (on reflection stupidly) scream, "IT WAS JESSICA" and we all charged at her. Damn primary school children can be cruel. So, she ran into her room crying and shrieking, "I DIDN'T DO IT." But we didn't believe her and were out for blood. Now, just imagine for one second, a bunch of 8 year olds kicking in a door. Yeah exactly lol. Teachers had to step in and stop our blood lust and escort her out of the rooms. Thats when I notice That pale ass Michael Jackson looking 16 yearold wearing a tophate and peaking around a wall outside, that's when it clicked and I instantly knew it was him. I hastily apoligised to Jessica(the girl me and my friends perhaps just traumatised) and I divert my attention to the 16 year old. I tell all my friends and we come up with a plan. Teachers had called all of us to activities, but me and two friends decided to stay and hide. Successful, Michael Jacksons doubleganger appeared and entered our cabin, we shut and locked the door(yes they lock from the outside) and we ran and got one of the staff members running the camp grounds as well as a teacher. Turns out, that 16 year old was the managers son, and boy did he get screamed at yelled at, and I can only assume grounded.

Thank you for reading my story. <3

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