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1996 Impala or 3000 GT


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These two cars aren't my strong suit, but my roomie has an Impala and though it has a fairly banging 8 cylinder engine which is a lot of get-up for that heavy of a car, he had a big (expensive) problem with his Opti-spark system. It floods here sometimes and the Opti-spark is pretty much right below the engine. It flooded and landed him with several hundred in repairs and a car that wouldn't start in the mean time.


Might be a thought if you get a lot of rain. *shrug*


No floods here ever... Just sunny and stuck in 60 degrees weather

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Wingless is right the optispark is the lt1 Achilles hill. They changed from a nonvented to a vented opti in 95 to help avoid this problem...bit if u are driving through flooding streets u can still kill it lol.


hey look my name is terry I like to make up big long car words so people think im soooo smart

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