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Epic Lulz. STEAM_0:1:12125437 and STEAM_0:0:19434969


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LOL revoke Master's staff......?

I mean, all master has done was help.......me anyway.


Sure. sometimes he does things we don't like, but who doesn't?


LOL, SWAT is only somewhere, you can't get rid of him...



I <3 SWAT!


Srsly, Master is a good Staff member.

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Please do not disrespect.


It means nothing. It's just funny.


It's not going to hurt either of you. It's not abuse because I simply recorded a demo.


-Please get your facts straight when talking about events that are as serious as DDOS threats.


The kid is 13 years old man. lol

Cut him some slack, he doesn't even know DOS.

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Distributed denial of service attacks on root nameservers are several significant Internet events in which distributed denial of service attacks (DDoS) have targeted one or more of the thirteen DNS root servers. These attacks are extremely significant, as the root nameservers function as the Internet backbone, translating text-based Internet hostnames into IP addresses. As the nameservers provide this service for DNS lookups worldwide, attacks against the root nameservers are attempts to disable the Internet itself, rather than specific websites.


October 21, 2002

The first attack occurred on October 21, 2002, and lasted for approximately one hour. Of the thirteen servers, nine were disabled but the remaining four were able to cope.[1]


This event was the first significant attack directed at trying to disable the Internet itself, instead of specific websites.[citation needed] This was the second near-major failure of the root nameservers; the first large malfunction of them caused the failure of seven machines in April 1997, due to a technical problem.[2]



[edit] February 6, 2007

A second attack occurred on February 6, 2007. The attack began at 10:30 UTC, and lasted about five hours. Although none of the servers crashed, two of the root servers reportedly "suffered badly", while others saw "heavy traffic". The botnet responsible for the attack has reportedly been traced to the Asia-Pacific region.[3] There was some speculation in the press that the attack originated from South Korea.[4]


On February 8, 2007 it was announced by Network World that "If the United States found itself under a major cyberattack aimed at undermining the nation’s critical information infrastructure, the Department of Defense is prepared, based on the authority of the president, to launch a cyber counterattack or an actual bombing of an attack source."[5]


WIKIPEDIA FTW! :) -side note- don't always trust wikipedia! :)

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Im sorry that I am bringing this up again but you said you were 16 and when I told you that on your app it said you were 15 you said it was a mis type. Is this a mis-type too? Or how old really are you o.O




lulz mt. again. Im on a laptop so the keys are in different spot. I am actually 16. 11/23/92

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