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Cactus Fantastico & Beast


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1. Abuser name: Cactus Fantastico

2. Their Steam Id:

3. What sever: JAILBREAK

4. About what time: 11:50 AM CST

5. PROOF: http://www.filefront.com/15118537/admin.dem

6. Please tell us your side of the story. It helps us understand what happened during this time.


Right off the start, as soon as they came in, they started abusing their admin.

Threatening players, slaying players for "freekilling" when they were not freekilling.

I was fed up with it, and I challenged them on their several abuses. I started recording

and by the time I started the recording, they were threatening to kick me if I didn't stay

quiet, because I had been complaining about them abusing their admin. During the demo,

an admin is accidently freekilled while on his LR, moo is the other guy on LR, and he states

that it was an accident, while Cactus(the guy, or child rather who was freekilled) attempts

to ban the guy for an hour because of this. He gave him no warning, and the only thing that

stopped him from doing so was the fact that he messed up the command to ban the guy. Fairly

obvious Fantastico was abusing his admin, later on, at the end of the demo, Fantastico says

he's going to start 5 minute kicking everybody that freekills, I say lol, 12 year old rage and

I'm banned from the server.


Beast was along for the ride, and was essentially that kid in the background egging on the

person in the wrong, telling them to keep going.


Here's the demo, and the question arises, is there a minimum age for being an administrator

& if not, why not?


If they're doing it just for admin, and not to help out the clan, than I question their membership.




Edited by Slazenger
Adding in correct format
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Since I was also there and as a acting admin i like fries aka i guess greenteasnake was arguing with them as soon as they came in. I did not know why nor did I care, as a admin, it is my responsibility to make sure that rules are followed. Seeing this ( sounds like I'm in a comic :D) I stepped forward and spoke to greentea and told him that he needed to take this to the forums if he thought they were "admin ab00sing." He kept arguing though with a warning. Also, he said 12 year old rage, that could be considered disrespect towards a admin. That freekill in lr, since i was the other lr, was mostly a accident from my screen. I was rebelling and trying to shoot the last remaining ct in shot for shot (not last ct) and he was trying to shoot me, the other T, Cactus, jumped in front of him and then was shot. Since I was alive I dont know what cactus typed, but beast slayed him accordingly and the round ended. During this whole situation, there was plenty of freekilling being handed around by the CT's. I do not blame them for giving kicks/slays to the freekills. Slays are easy way of punishing and kicks, just like slays, are warnings.



In other words, I do not believe they were admin ab00sing. GreenTeaSnake, I warned you multiple times to bring it to the forums as you should have before you continued. Other people do not want to hear you whine/talk about it in game. Focus on the game and report it later, easy as that.


P.S Everyone try doing this, it works! *Focus on the game and report it later, easy as that.*



Also, please provide their steam id's, you can find them on the members list :) thanks!

Edited by moo
Correcting his edit.
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T's may be shot if willingly holding a gun out for more then 3 seconds, also if they aim at a ct (unless told to walk out and drop it which they must throw it away immediatly once unholstered)



edit* also if you run in front of 2 people playing shot for shot (which is what happened if i read correctly) and YOU get killed, thats your OWN dam fault for interfering

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This demo doesn't prove anything other than that you're a bad CT, and you seem to think it's ok to disrespect the admins.


Also: It doesn't help that you're repeating the offenses that got you kicked in the report protesting it.

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wtf are you question our age for? If you think i'm a 12 year old rage admin then GTFO because you are mistaken. Oh and also for the lr thing he just kicked him which is considered a warning and I remeber you previously interfering with someones LR and you were bitching about WHY THE FUCK YOU GOT SLAYED. It doesn't matter if Terrorist would of still won YOU DO NOT INTERFERE plus you also change your name afterwards. But i guess you don't want to show your mistake huh.

Edited by beast702
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