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Ban Report: [HG] Cerberus


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1. Name: ICL | Witchhunter, [HG] Witchhunter, [HG] Cerberus

2. Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:1656640

3. Server: Jailbreak

4. Reason: Impersonation/Lying to Admins

5. Proof: Below

6. Sourcebans: https://hellsgamers.com/sb/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_0:0:1656640&Submit

7. Comments: Was playing under the name of ICL | Witchhunter. He was constantly freekilling, screaming over the mic while lead was giving orders, freeshooting, and gunplanting. I slayed and kicked. He came back and did another freekill. He then changed his name to [HG] Witchhunter. I proceeded to ask for his forums name, informing him that you must apply to HG. He told me he was in HG but played DoD:S, and I figured that's possible...I looked up his Steam ID and Witchhunter, but found nothing on our forums. He didn't give me his forums name. I asked again in chat and over mic sternly. He told me his forums name was Cerberus. He then changed his name to [HG] Cerberus. I alt-tabbed, checked that name and found that there was no forum account under that name. I asked him over mic once more, "Are you sure that's your forums name?" He then tries to freekill, and I copy paste the ban I had written up.


Long story short, he's perma'd.







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I was on as this was happening. He freekilled me multiple times,spamed mic, and also said he was part of hg. His reasoning behind his name was awwwww man just be cool and play games. I agree with ban 100 percent.











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