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Banned again...


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1. PaulPandemiC v2


3. -hg- TexasTormenture

4. STEAM_0:0:2767545

5. I was banned for supposibly not giving clear orders when i was but -hg- TexasTormenter was nitpicking my orders for things such as not saying all T's as well as miss speaking even though i corrected my orders. TexasTormenter seemed to be the the only one who gave me a hard time about my orders. The only other issue i had on the server was supposedly free killing when i was only killing people who did not follow my orders. When I did freekill mistakenly i would slay myself and apologize. If you think that what i was doing was a problem please say so.

Edited by Slazenger
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One) Its a 60 minute ban for being a douchebag.

Two) I wasn't nitpicking. When you say "Go to the cage, no detours no delays." No one can go anywhere because you didn't specify WHO or which CAGE (deagle or BIG). You need to say "ALL T'S do something" because sometimes we say "Texas, drop the gun in your cell" or "T's on the second level of cells jump backwards to the first level"

Three) I warned you not to argue with admins but to go post it on the forums if you really believe I am that wrong. And you kept on going.

Four) You're banned for an hour, there is no reason to post an unban request. Banned again? Apparently this isn't the first time you've done things wrong.

Five) I confirmed with the other admin (RSS) that you were being ridiculous before banning you and he has a demo of the whole thing.

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ok I'm sorry then and the reason i would just say cage is because the word cage is written on the top of it and yes i was being ridiculous at the end and again i apologize i as getting raged because i felt the t switch was uncalled for as well as many others on the server. and the ban before was a mistake i has talked to blade in vent following the ban, he viewed his demo and realized it was the wrong person. Sorry again for my raging at the end. I have been plating straight through from 1:30 until 5:30 and am getting tired i'm going to bed now. Goodnight.

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