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Escape From Tarkov - Patch Notes


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Hey Gamers,

Tarkov dropped a small patch with limited information - It sounds hopeful for sound on interchange and the lab, but they have often over promised and under delivered when it comes to sound design... so, make sure to test it out for yourself!

We have installed an update containing several fixes and changes.

List of changes:

  • Fixed incorrect group spawn points in co-op mode;
  • Fixed incorrect sound positioning between floors on Interchange and The Lab;
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to not have a walking animation after opening a door;
  • Several technical server fixes.
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I’ve played a bit on Interchange and The Lab recently, and while the patch is promising, I haven’t seen huge changes either. It still feels like certain sounds don’t sync up properly when you're on different floors. That said, I’m hopeful that they’ll keep tweaking it! As for the walking animation bug, that one was super annoying, so it’s nice to see it fixed.  I’ve also been hearing a lot about “Legit and Secure” cheats popping up, which is a bit concerning. I found a site called Kernaim.to, which seems to be a reliable place for updates and guides if anyone's interested. But I guess we just have to trust the devs to stay on top of it.

Edited by clintday89
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