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Orange was creaming himself over this, but I just got done watching it and I have to say what every girl doesn't want to hear - "At least she's pretty"


The screening was for the 3d version, and that coupled with the detail used in the film itself, I'll say it's pretty damned beautiful. The plot, however, made me feel like someone squashed together Pocahontas and Fern Gully and called it a movie.


Some of the plot points were laughable, such as just about everything the military commander was involved in and a rare mineral that was the catalyst of the whole movie, which is called "Unobtanium". As in "it's really, really difficult to obtain." Seriously?


There were some thinly veiled political associations made, such as overbearing American militarism and the fact that they essentially turned Africans the color blue and gave them anthromorphic features and called it good, but I still found myself looking at the clock at about the 2 hour mark. It just wasn't captivating enough of a story to keep me interested.


TL;DR - It's a good watch if only the fact that it sets technological precedents and is authentically beautiful, but if lack of a compelling plot makes you want to cut yourself, you probably don't want to spend the money on a ticket.

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Interesting, I'm going to see it tomorrow. I don't know how your movie opinions are so I won't insult you until I've seen it.


Rofl. I like plot that isn't contrived unless everyone has been made fully aware going into it that they should expect a lot of explosions and nothing more. See: Michael Bay


I saw it in digital as well, so I stand by my "Visually beautiful, but the story has already been done by other, better movies" stance.

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The motherfucker watched(es) Pocahontas and Fern Gully.....

I think that is answer enough. ;)


Disney movies are better when you're older. You start to realize that they're talking about banging bitches in the bar in Beauty and the Beast and there are certainly titties in The Rescuers Down Under.

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Oh great.. Wingless thinks he's some kind of fucking film critic. Let me guess, you're a huge fan of "The Boondock Saints" or "A Clockwork Orange", basically any movie high school kids creamed their pants over during their "intellectual" stage.


I know you watched the online trailers for AVATAR, you knew what it was going to be about, the plot was soooo predictable blah blah blah. BUT James Cameron wasn't selling the film on it's fucking plot/story. Sure, he had to spice it up somehow ie. add a love story, have an underlying message etc. But the #1 thing he was selling this film on was the Visual Effects, unveiling groundbreaking, jaw dropping Visual Effects. Look back to "The Abyss" I'm pretty sure it won an Academy Award for best Special Effects. T2 raised the bar with the liquid T-1000 character, not sure if they got an Oscar for that, you already know what happened with TITANIC... the dialogue was kind of corny, but the recreation of the Titanic was fucking amazing.


I've been waiting for AVATAR for a ridiculous ammount of time, when I first heard about it 6 years ago when it was still called "Project 880" a film by James Cameron, I about fucking shit myself when i heard about the new "Stereoscopic" 3D cameras he was using to film a movie about another world inhabited by an intelligent alien race. My type of film, being that I love reading, or watching anything to do with space travel.


Cameron has never been a very good screenplay writer, BUT what he is EXCELLENT at is Blockbuster, edge of your seat awesomeness. I grew up watching "Aliens" and T2 practically every day, I have those films memorized to this day, and although I still haven't seen AVATAR yet (seeing tonight in IMAX 3D!!) something tells me this is going to be an experience I remember for the rest of my life.


I will admit, however, that I think James Cameron, a Canadian, is somewhat Anti-American, being that the World Premiere for AVATAR was in London, and it was released to the whole world 3 days before the U.S. It's all good though, the man still has my respect.

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Cry me a river. I didn't like Boondock and Clockwork was a better book than movie, but I guess you wouldn't know that, now would you?


Movies are simply a filmed (or more often now, digitized) version of typical storytelling. Y'know, like books have been doing for hundreds of years, if you're familiar with the concept. Special effects alone do not make a good movie. They are just what they are labeled; effects to improve the quality of the work you already have.


You CAN have both a cohesive plot AND special effects; the original Star Wars did it and so have others since then. You've pretty much already proven my point for me, but probably aren't even aware of it. It's not a good movie as a screenplay, but it is a spectacular tech demo and it will keep you entertained. Go watch it, and then I invite you to try to defend the plot of the movie. I'll be looking forward to seeing how you try to spin the recycled story and paper thin characters into something good.

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So... you don't think I read books? After seeing the first Transformers a couple years ago.. I knew the second would be a steamy pile of shit, that's why I didn't see it. So let's get that out of the way right now. The first online trailer for AVATAR didn't have ANY dialogue, the second online trailer pretty much explained the whole fucking movie.. so if after seeing it, you're disappointed about "the recycled story and paper thin characters" well then thats your problem. Maybe YOU should cry me a river.


Atleast it isn't a remake, atleast there was SOME imagination that went into making it. It's pretty refreshing considering every other movie coming out these days is a remake. Did you know they're even making a remake of ROBOCOP?! Don't even get me started on 'The Day The Earth Stood Still'. Shit, they're even remaking John Carpenter's: "THEY LIVE" that's just fucking blasphemy. What's next? THE WIZARD OF OZ and 2001: A Space Odyssey?


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Your post is completely irrelevant to the points that were brought up. Warning everyone ahead of time that your story is weak still isn't an excuse for the story being weak. Saying "yes it's bad, but at least it's not as bad a x, y or z" isn't really helping your case either. THIS IS THE SAME KIND OF LOGIC THAT WAS APPLIED BY THE PEOPLE THAT SAID TWILIGHT WAS GOOD.


Considering half of your argument was completely ad hominem, you just come off as a butthurt fanboy and that completely invalidates all of your self-perceived "good points". You can't agree with my points and still be self-righteous in the process. It's silly.

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In case anyone ever wondered why we can't have debates about religion or politics around here, it's because of people like orange that aren't smart enough to keep their emotions out of the subject at hand. Mommy, Wingless provided scientific evidence that Santa doesn't exist, so I'm going to cry about it instead of discussing my viewpoint with him. Fucking 6 year old.

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You both have good points neither of them more exclusive than the other. Plot plays a big part in a movie as do the special effects. I've seen awesome movies with very little special effects and a great plot. On the other hand I've seen movies with captivating special effects but not much of a storyline.


On the downside of things I've also seen movies with a great plot but the movie was made so horribly I said to myself, "That could have been so much better." Plot does play a big role in the story of course but new age technology is always exciting. Cell phones weren't great to start but it set the ground for better things.


I think what it all boils down to here is each of your opinions. One of you may hate the movie and the other may claim it to be his favorite. Really though is it necessary to degrade each other over something so meaningless as a movie?


Come now let's do it!:mybad::cheers::mybad:


PS: I started typing and realized I was making a 3-point essay and decided to cut it down tremendously. I got a little carried away originally. I wish I had a report on such a thing once upon a time but perhaps I wouldn't have been able to write it without seeing your arguements. :)

Edited by Kinta
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i originally went for the 3D showing, and i saw the first 5 minutes with the 3D glasses. It was crap. looked so fake and corny. The 3D effects were very distracting and the video was not clear.


But the theater was packed and no place to sit for my friends, so we left after 5 mins and got our tickets changed for a later showing (the "regular" version).


i thought the regular version was much better and less corny. it was a good movie. i have not seen the IMAX version yet, which is the real version where they play it using 2 projectors so i can't say about that.

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